Way back in May of 2012 two little kittens were born. A few months later a kind person who was feeding community cats at Confluence Park found these two who were by that time about 3 months old. They didn’t seem wild. They wanted to be held and petted so she picked them up and took them home.
They came to Katmandu for fostering with the idea of getting them placed into a permanent home. One of them was named Cassius and was adopted in September of that year. The other one Micah stayed in the Truckey foster home where there were many other kittens and one of them had ringworm.
So, pretty soon, they all did!
Micah was treated for his ringworm and made a great recovery even though it took a couple of months to completely get through it. And here he was still in a foster home!! He was awfully cute as you can see from his picture. This pic is from a promo we did at the time. Micah has all white toes except for one. Hence the “Goldfinger”.
He was completely lovable and adorable. We couldn’t figure out why he wasn’t getting adopted. We didn’t realize at the time that he was waiting for a very special person.
At one time Katmandu was under the umbrella of Black Canyon Animal Sanctuary. Debbie, the owner and director of BCAS had decided to offer a Silver Whiskers program pairing animals in need of homes with people willing to love and care for them. The focus was especially on older folks who may not be able to afford to take care of a cat or dog. This was a great program for people with limited income and lots of love.
Marie was just such a person. She heard about the Silver Whiskers program and wondered if we might place a cat with her. Pat, the director of Katmandu had a potential cat for her and she took her to meet Marie. Unfortunately that placement was not the right one and what Marie really needed was Micah. It wasn’t an easy start but it really didn’t take them very long to fall in love with each other. And he’s been with Marie ever since.
Now Marie is in her ’80s and suffering from macular degeneration which is gradually taking her eyesight among other physical issues that we all face as we get older. Micah is still her companion and has been with her every day through thick and thin including this last year of the pandemic.
Unfortunately, Micah has developed his own health issues: Kitty IBS.
We have been working with Marie on ways to keep Micah with her even when she can’t see anymore. Marie can manage Micah’s care and feeding right now. His diet has become very expensive and Katmandu has taken over his financial care as BCAS is closed to any new operations.
We would like to see these two stay together and we need some help paying for Micah’s ongoing special diet at $75 a month. We are hoping to find a sponsor amongst our supporters to help with this special challenge.
If you can help with this please contact Pat (970-527-3424) or Sherry (970-209-8437).
We so appreciate all of the help that our fellow cat lovers offer us and those we care for.